Buy Nexium lawsuit


Buy Nexium lawsuit is AstraZeneca’s best-selling drug, as well as the world’s third best-selling prescription, with sales in the billions of dollars.

We were struck by one number in particular. 7.8% of US people had used prescription PPI Products in the previous 30 days at one time. That’s what you call a hugely popular substance.

Esomeprazole is now available under the brand names Prilosec, Aciphex, Dexilant, Zegrid, Prevacid, and Protonics, as well as its generic version, Omeprazole, from various pharmaceutical companies.

The fundamental distinction between the two types is that PPIs stop the generation of gastric acid, whereas h4-type medicines block the action of histamine on parietal cells (the stomach’s outer lining), causing these cells to produce less acid.

Buy Nexium lawsuit

Buy Nexium lawsuit is AstraZeneca’s best-selling drug, as well as the world’s third best-selling prescription, with sales in the billions of dollars.

We were struck by one number in particular. 7.8% of US people had used prescription PPI Products in the previous 30 days at one time. That’s what you call a hugely popular substance.

Esomeprazole is now available under the brand names Prilosec, Aciphex, Dexilant, Zegrid, Prevacid, and Protonics, as well as its generic version, Omeprazole, from various pharmaceutical companies.

The fundamental distinction between the two types is that PPIs stop the generation of gastric acid, whereas h4-type medicines block the action of histamine on parietal cells (the stomach’s outer lining), causing these cells to produce less acid.

Patients generally handle drugs in this class well, and major side effects from short-term usage of the medication are uncommon. Headaches, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, lethargy, and dizziness are all typical adverse effects.

Despite the fact that all PPIs contain the same risks, omeprazole side effects are reported more frequently than other PPIs, owing to the fact that it is prescribed more frequently than other PPIs.

What is Nexium lawsuit

Buy Nexium lawsuit and other proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) like Prilosec may promote chronic kidney disease, and end-stage kidney failure is two-and-a-half times more likely with PPIs, according to new research.

The long-term effects of PPIs have not been well investigated. However, evidence has poured in over the last few years, and the results are not good.

As a result, possible Nexium kidney damage and lawsuits arising from such side effects will necessitate further research to confirm how Plaintiffs’ attorneys expect the facts will play out.

One thing is certain, and there is no need for more proof: these forms of kidney damage are terrible.

There have been reports in the medical literature since the early 1990s that there is a link between medicines like Nexium and acute renal damage.

The first study, published by the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, linked PPI use to renal failure and other ailments. However, the majority of the material consisted of case studies that concluded with the phrase “further research should be done.”

More research was carried out. In 2016, the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology published a report that fueled calls for more research on Nexium.

The study compared the dangers of acid reflux medicines to users of another type of heartburn medication. Over the course of five years, researchers discovered that 15% of PPI users had chronic kidney disease.

Isn’t that a big number? The findings also imply that damage and its severity may be dose-dependent. To put it another way, the longer and more of the medicine you used, the more likely you were to have a kidney injury.

A systematic study of proton pump inhibitor-associated acute interstitial nephritis was published in the Journal of Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics in 2007. Long-term usage of PPIs like Nexium was linked to interstitial nephritis, according to the researchers.

Other articles have followed suit, claiming that PPIs increase the risk of renal disease.


Nexium lawsuit for sale online

Buy Nexium lawsuit ® (esomeprazole magnesium) is a drug manufactured and distributed by AstraZeneca.

The pills are famously purple.

It was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in February 2001, for the treatment of numerous stomach conditions such as the following:

  • Dyspepsia (upset stomach, indigestion, impaired digestion);
  • Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD);
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD);
  • Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR), also known as Extraesophageal Reflux Disease (EERD);
  • Barrett’s Esophagus (a pre-cancerous condition where normal cells in the lining of the esophagus develop into abnormal cells which can lead to adenocarcinoma (esophageal cancer);
  • Prevention of stress gastritis (type of ulcer caused by stress);
  • Adenocarcinoma (cancer of the esophagus);
  • Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (gastric acid hypersecretion, severe peptic ulceration, and non-beta cell islet tumor of the pancreas (gastrinoma); and
  • Other forms of hypersecretion of stomach acid
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